01. Footprinting

01. Footprinting 

02. Reconnaissance 

03. Enumeration 

04. Vulnerability Scan 

05. Password Cracking 

06. Privilege Escalation 

07. Exploitation 

08. Post Exploitation 

09. Maintaining Access 

10. Web Apps Hacking


01 Footprinting

1. cache:protechstart.com  =server in all cache data show not a full website

2. link:protechstart   = only show this link related

3. related:timesofindia =show all news website India news

4. info:pradhyuman.com         =pra.com related all sites connect show

5. Modi site:https://gettyimage.in   =show this web in all modi photo show

6. allinurl:pdf         =show only pdf type ..ppt .etc

7: ?intitle.index:of?/movie Hindi  =to show all Hindi movie show download

8: MOVIE Download::> Movie Name -inurl:(htm|html|php|pls|txt) intitle:index.of “last modified” (mp4|wma|aac|avi|mkv)

9:> Method 2. intitle:index.of? mkv Movie Name
0:> Method 3. intitle:index of / movie category

11> Artificial intelligence filetype:ppt  

foot printing web
1. Wikipedia       =company all detail
2. Netcraft        =First seen OS DNS domain web ip
3. Shodan          =show IP add CCTV printer router ..etc show IP port open
4. google Earth    =Earth photo
5. Pipl            =any man details
6. google finance  =to show company hig. and low business
7. naukri.com      =show any company CEO hr details work etc
8. google group    =use to connect any email to chat etc
9. ipinfo.info     = show subnetmask 

Step 01: Footprinting

Footprinting (also known as reconnaissance) is the technique used for gathering information about computer systems and the entities they belong to. To get this information, a hacker might use various tools and technologies. This information is very useful to a hacker who is trying to crack a whole system.

Tools: whois, nslookup, dig, whatweb, theharvester, sublist3r, p0f

Your task: Explore the "recon-ng" tool for the Footprinting step.


introduction to dark web, anonymity,and crypto currency

During this phase, a hacker can collect the following information -

Domain name

IP Addresses


Employee information

Phone numbers


Job Information

Domain Name Information

You can use http://www.whois.com/whois website to get detailed information about a domain name information including its owner, its registrar, date of registration, expiry, name server, owner's contact information, etc.

Ping ==Linux OS 64bit 

windows 32

Reply from bytes=32 time=128ms TTL=56

Reply from bytes=32 time=120ms TTL=56

Reply from bytes=32 time=117ms TTL=56

Reply from bytes=32 time=127ms TTL=56

Finding Hosting Company

Once you have the website address, you can get further detail by using ip2location.com website. Following is the example to find out the details of an IP address -

Quick Fix

If a computer system or network is linked with the Internet directly, then you cannot hide the IP address and the related information such as the hosting company, its location, ISP, etc. If you have a server containing very sensitive data, then it is recommended to keep it behind a secure proxy so that hackers cannot get the exact details of your actual server. This way, it will be difficult for any potential hacker to reach your server directly.

Another effective way of hiding your system IP and ultimately all the associated information is to go through a Virtual Private Network (VPN). If you configure a VPN, then the whole traffic routes through the VPN network, so your true IP address assigned by your ISP is always hidden.

IP Address Ranges

Small sites may have a single IP address associated with them, but larger websites usually have multiple IP addresses serving different domains and sub-domains.

You can obtain a range of IP addresses assigned to a particular company using American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN).

History of the Website

It is very easy to get a complete history of any website using www.archive.org.



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